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Classification stream generator.

This class is used for generating streams for classification problems.


Name Type Description Default
stream inherits

Stream source to be feed to the ADLStream framework.

label_index int or list

The column index/indices of the target label. Defaults to -1.

one_hot_labels list or None

Possible label values if one-hot encoding must be done. If None, the target value is not one-hot encoded. Defaults to None.

Source code in ADLStream/data/
class ClassificationStreamGenerator(BaseStreamGenerator):
    """Classification stream generator.

    This class is used for generating streams for classification problems.

        stream (inherits
            Stream source to be feed to the ADLStream framework.
        label_index (int or list, optional): The column index/indices of the target
            Defaults to -1.
        one_hot_labels (list or None, optional): Possible label values if one-hot
            encoding must be done. If None, the target value is not one-hot encoded.
            Defaults to None.

    def __init__(self, stream, label_index=[-1], one_hot_labels=None, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(stream, **kwargs)
        self.label_index = label_index if type(label_index) is list else [label_index]
        self.labels = one_hot_labels
        self.one_hot_encoder = None
        if self.labels:
            self.one_hot_encoder = OneHotEncoder()
  , 1))

    def preprocess(self, message):
        x = message
        y = [message.pop(i) for i in self.label_index]

        if self.labels:
            y = self.one_hot_encoder.transform([y]).toarray()
            y = list(y[0])

        return x, y

preprocess(self, message)

The function that contains the logic to transform a stream message into model imput and target data (x ,y).

Both output, x or y, can be None what means it should not be added to the context.

The target data y can be delayed. Although we are sending x and y at the same time, it does not mean that y is the corresponding target value of x. However, input data and target data should be in order: y_i is the target value of x_i. So the first target data sent (y_0) corresponds with the first input sent (x_0).


Name Type Description Default
message list

message received from the stream



Type Description

This is an abstract method which should be implemented.


Type Description
x (list)

instance of model's input data. y (list): instance of model's target data.

Source code in ADLStream/data/
def preprocess(self, message):
    x = message
    y = [message.pop(i) for i in self.label_index]

    if self.labels:
        y = self.one_hot_encoder.transform([y]).toarray()
        y = list(y[0])

    return x, y